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All North America Cruises with Cunard

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22 cruises

North America: United States, United Kingdom

New York Itinerary North America
from $5,934.97
price per person Taxes included
10 reservations in 48 hours
Queen Mary 2 | Oct 4, 2024
Duration: 9 nights
Departure from: New York Landing: Southampton
1. New York,
2. Newport,
3. Boston,
4. navigation,
5. navigation,
6. navigation,
7. navigation,
8. navigation,
9. navigation,
10. Southampton
sold out

United Kingdom, France, United States

Southampton Itinerary North America
from $2,784.87
price per person Taxes included
Queen Mary 2 | Oct 17, 2024
Duration: 15 nights
Departure from: Southampton Landing: Southampton
1. Southampton,
2. Le Havre,
3. navigation,
4. navigation,
5. navigation,
6. navigation,
7. navigation,
8. navigation,
9. New York,
10. navigation,
11. navigation,
12. navigation,
13. navigation,
14. navigation,
15. navigation,
16. Southampton

North America: United Kingdom, Spain, Gibraltar, Portugal

Southampton Itinerary North America
from $1,586.46
price per person Taxes included
5 reservations in 72 hours
Queen Anne | Nov 17, 2024
Duration: 14 nights
Departure from: Southampton Landing: Southampton
1. Southampton,
2. navigation,
3. navigation,
4. Cadiz,
5. navigation,
6. Cartagena ,
7. Valencia,
8. navigation,
9. Malaga,
10. Gibraltar,
11. navigation,
12. Lisbon,
13. navigation,
14. navigation,
15. Southampton

North America: South Africa, Namibia, Senegal, Spain, United Kingdom

Cape Town Itinerary North America
from $2,442.47
price per person Taxes included
5 reservations in 48 hours
Queen Anne | Apr 11, 2025
Duration: 16 nights
Departure from: Cape Town Landing: Southampton
1. Cape Town,
2. navigation,
3. Walvis Bay,
4. navigation,
5. navigation,
6. navigation,
7. navigation,
8. navigation,
9. navigation,
10. Dakar,
11. navigation,
12. navigation,
13. Santa Cruz de Tenerife,
14. navigation,
15. navigation,
16. navigation,
17. Southampton

North America: United Kingdom, France, United States

Southampton Itinerary North America
from $2,659.32
price per person Taxes included
15 reservations in 48 hours
Queen Mary 2 | Apr 27, 2025
Duration: 15 nights
Departure from: Southampton Landing: Southampton
1. Southampton,
2. Le Havre,
3. navigation,
4. navigation,
5. navigation,
6. navigation,
7. navigation,
8. navigation,
9. New York,
10. navigation,
11. navigation,
12. navigation,
13. navigation,
14. navigation,
15. navigation,
16. Southampton

North America: United Kingdom, United States

Southampton Itinerary North America
from $2,670.74
price per person Taxes included
5 reservations in 48 hours
Queen Mary 2 | May 16, 2025
Duration: 14 nights
Departure from: Southampton Landing: Southampton
1. Southampton,
2. navigation,
3. navigation,
4. navigation,
5. navigation,
6. navigation,
7. navigation,
8. New York,
9. navigation,
10. navigation,
11. navigation,
12. navigation,
13. navigation,
14. navigation,
15. Southampton

North America: United Kingdom, United States, Canada

Southampton Itinerary North America
from $3,526.74
price per person Taxes included
6 reservations in 48 hours
Queen Mary 2 | Jun 24, 2025
Duration: 21 nights
Departure from: Southampton Landing: Southampton
1. Southampton,
2. navigation,
3. navigation,
4. navigation,
5. navigation,
6. navigation,
7. navigation,
8. New York,
9. Newport,
10. navigation,
11. Boston,
12. Boston,
13. Halifax,
14. navigation,
15. New York,
16. navigation,
17. navigation,
18. navigation,
19. navigation,
20. navigation,
21. navigation,
22. Southampton

North America: United Kingdom, United States

Southampton Itinerary North America
from $2,659.32
price per person Taxes included
13 reservations in 48 hours
Queen Mary 2 | Aug 27, 2025
Duration: 14 nights
Departure from: Southampton Landing: Southampton
1. Southampton,
2. navigation,
3. navigation,
4. navigation,
5. navigation,
6. navigation,
7. navigation,
8. New York,
9. navigation,
10. navigation,
11. navigation,
12. navigation,
13. navigation,
14. navigation,
15. Southampton

North America: United Kingdom, United States, Canada

Southampton Itinerary North America
from $3,926.21
price per person Taxes included
6 reservations in 36 hours
Queen Mary 2 | Sep 26, 2025
Duration: 28 nights
Departure from: Southampton Landing: Southampton
1. Southampton,
2. navigation,
3. navigation,
4. navigation,
5. navigation,
6. navigation,
7. navigation,
8. New York,
9. Newport,
10. navigation,
11. Halifax,
12. navigation,
13. Sept Iles,
14. Saguenay,
15. Quebec,
16. Quebec,
17. navigation,
18. Corner Brook,
19. Sydney,
20. navigation,
21. navigation,
22. New York,
23. navigation,
24. navigation,
25. navigation,
26. navigation,
27. navigation,
28. navigation,
29. Southampton

North America: United States, Canada

New York Itinerary North America
from $2,157.13
price per person Taxes included
5 reservations in 72 hours
Queen Mary 2 | Oct 3, 2025
Duration: 14 nights
Departure from: New York Landing: New York
1. New York,
2. Newport,
3. navigation,
4. Halifax,
5. navigation,
6. Sept Iles,
7. Saguenay,
8. Quebec,
9. Quebec,
10. navigation,
11. Corner Brook,
12. Sydney,
13. navigation,
14. navigation,
15. New York

North America: Canada, United States

Quebec Itinerary North America
from $1,072.86
price per person Taxes included
3 reservations in 72 hours
Queen Mary 2 | Oct 10, 2025
Duration: 7 nights
Departure from: Quebec Landing: New York
1. Quebec,
2. Quebec,
3. navigation,
4. Corner Brook,
5. Sydney,
6. navigation,
7. navigation,
8. New York

North America: United Kingdom, Portugal, Spain, Morocco

Southampton Itinerary North America
from $1,129.93
price per person Taxes included
2 reservations in 48 hours
Queen Anne | Nov 16, 2025
Duration: 10 nights
Departure from: Southampton Landing: Southampton
1. Southampton,
2. navigation,
3. navigation,
4. Lisbon,
5. navigation,
6. Malaga,
7. Tanger,
8. navigation,
9. Vigo,
10. navigation,
11. Southampton

North America: United Kingdom, France, United States

Southampton Itinerary North America
from $2,271.27
price per person Taxes included
6 reservations in 48 hours
Queen Mary 2 | Apr 30, 2026
Duration: 15 nights
Departure from: Southampton Landing: Southampton
1. Southampton,
2. Le Havre,
3. navigation,
4. navigation,
5. navigation,
6. navigation,
7. navigation,
8. navigation,
9. New York,
10. navigation,
11. navigation,
12. navigation,
13. navigation,
14. navigation,
15. navigation,
16. Southampton

North America: United Kingdom, United States, Canada

Southampton Itinerary North America
from $3,983.28
price per person Taxes included
2 reservations in 72 hours
Queen Mary 2 | Jun 26, 2026
Duration: 21 nights
Departure from: Southampton Landing: Southampton
1. Southampton,
2. navigation,
3. navigation,
4. navigation,
5. navigation,
6. navigation,
7. navigation,
8. New York,
9. New York,
10. Newport,
11. navigation,
12. Halifax,
13. Halifax,
14. navigation,
15. New York,
16. navigation,
17. navigation,
18. navigation,
19. navigation,
20. navigation,
21. navigation,
22. Southampton

North America: United States, Canada

New York Itinerary North America
from $1,472.33
price per person Taxes included
2 reservations in 72 hours
Queen Mary 2 | Jul 3, 2026
Duration: 7 nights
Departure from: New York Landing: New York
1. New York,
2. New York,
3. Newport,
4. navigation,
5. Halifax,
6. Halifax,
7. navigation,
8. New York

North America: United Kingdom, United States

Southampton Itinerary North America
from $2,271.27
price per person Taxes included
2 reservations in 48 hours
Queen Mary 2 | Jul 21, 2026
Duration: 14 nights
Departure from: Southampton Landing: Southampton
1. Southampton,
2. navigation,
3. navigation,
4. navigation,
5. navigation,
6. navigation,
7. navigation,
8. New York,
9. navigation,
10. navigation,
11. navigation,
12. navigation,
13. navigation,
14. navigation,
15. Southampton

North America: United Kingdom, United States

Southampton Itinerary North America
from $2,214.20
price per person Taxes included
5 reservations in 72 hours
Queen Mary 2 | Sep 6, 2026
Duration: 14 nights
Departure from: Southampton Landing: Southampton
1. Southampton,
2. navigation,
3. navigation,
4. navigation,
5. navigation,
6. navigation,
7. navigation,
8. New York,
9. navigation,
10. navigation,
11. navigation,
12. navigation,
13. navigation,
14. navigation,
15. Southampton

North America: United Kingdom, United States, Canada

Southampton Itinerary North America
from $4,496.88
price per person Taxes included
Queen Mary 2 | Sep 20, 2026
Duration: 28 nights
Departure from: Southampton Landing: Southampton
1. Southampton,
2. navigation,
3. navigation,
4. navigation,
5. navigation,
6. navigation,
7. navigation,
8. New York,
9. Boston,
10. Boston,
11. navigation,
12. Sydney,
13. navigation,
14. Quebec,
15. Quebec,
16. Quebec,
17. Saguenay,
18. Sept Iles,
19. navigation,
20. Halifax,
21. navigation,
22. New York,
23. navigation,
24. navigation,
25. navigation,
26. navigation,
27. navigation,
28. navigation,
29. Southampton

North America: United States, Canada

New York Itinerary North America
from $1,358.19
price per person Taxes included
2 reservations in 48 hours
Queen Mary 2 | Sep 27, 2026
Duration: 7 nights
Departure from: New York Landing: Quebec
1. New York,
2. Boston,
3. Boston,
4. navigation,
5. Sydney,
6. navigation,
7. Quebec,
8. Quebec

North America: United States, Canada

New York Itinerary North America
from $2,499.53
price per person Taxes included
5 reservations in 72 hours
Queen Mary 2 | Sep 27, 2026
Duration: 14 nights
Departure from: New York Landing: New York
1. New York,
2. Boston,
3. Boston,
4. navigation,
5. Sydney,
6. navigation,
7. Quebec,
8. Quebec,
9. Quebec,
10. Saguenay,
11. Sept Iles,
12. navigation,
13. Halifax,
14. navigation,
15. New York

North America: Canada, United States

Quebec Itinerary North America
from $1,358.19
price per person Taxes included
5 reservations in 72 hours
Queen Mary 2 | Oct 4, 2026
Duration: 7 nights
Departure from: Quebec Landing: New York
1. Quebec,
2. Quebec,
3. Saguenay,
4. Sept Iles,
5. navigation,
6. Halifax,
7. navigation,
8. New York

North America: United Kingdom, United States

Southampton Itinerary North America
from $1,928.86
price per person Taxes included
Queen Mary 2 | Oct 23, 2026
Duration: 14 nights
Departure from: Southampton Landing: Southampton
1. Southampton,
2. navigation,
3. navigation,
4. navigation,
5. navigation,
6. navigation,
7. navigation,
8. New York,
9. navigation,
10. navigation,
11. navigation,
12. navigation,
13. navigation,
14. navigation,
15. Southampton
22 cruises