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All World Cruises Cruises with MSC Cruises

  • 2025
  • 2026
January 2025 February 2025 March 2025 April 2025 May 2025 June 2025 July 2025 August 2025 September 2025 October 2025 November 2025 December 2025
8 cruises

World Cruises: Italy, France, Spain, Morocco, Cape Verde, Brazil, Argentina, Falkland Islands, Chile, French Polynesia, Cook Islands, New Zealand, Australia, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Jordan, Egypt

Civitavecchia Itinerary World Cruises
from $21,623.68
price per person Taxes included
6 reservations in 36 hours
Basic Price
MSC Magnifica | Jan 4, 2025
Duration: 116 nights
Departure from: Civitavecchia Landing: Civitavecchia
1. Civitavecchia,
2. Genoa,
3. Marseille,
4. Barcelona,
5. navigation,
6. Malaga,
7. Casablanca,
8. navigation,
9. navigation,
10. navigation,
11. Mindelo,
12. navigation,
13. navigation,
14. navigation,
15. navigation,
16. Salvador,
17. navigation,
18. Rio de Janeiro,
19. Rio de Janeiro,
20. navigation,
21. navigation,
22. Buenos Aires,
23. Buenos Aires,
24. navigation,
25. navigation,
26. Puerto Madryn,
27. navigation,
28. Port Stanley,
29. navigation,
30. navigation,
31. Ushuaia,
32. navigation,
33. navigation,
34. Puerto Chacabuco,
35. Puerto Montt,
36. navigation,
37. Valparaiso,
38. Valparaiso,
39. navigation,
40. navigation,
41. navigation,
42. navigation,
43. Hanga Roa,
44. navigation,
45. navigation,
46. navigation,
47. navigation,
48. navigation,
49. Papeete,
50. Papeete,
51. Moorea,
52. navigation,
53. Aitutaki,
54. Rarotonga,
55. navigation,
56. navigation,
57. navigation,
58. navigation,
59. navigation,
60. Waitangi (Bay Of Islands),
61. Auckland,
62. Tauranga,
63. navigation,
64. Christchurch,
65. Port Chalmers,
66. navigation,
67. navigation,
68. Hobart,
69. navigation,
70. Sydney,
71. Sydney,
72. Eden,
73. navigation,
74. Melbourne,
75. navigation,
76. Adelaide,
77. Kangaroo Island,
78. navigation,
79. navigation,
80. Albany,
81. navigation,
82. Busselton,
83. Perth,
84. Perth,
85. navigation,
86. navigation,
87. navigation,
88. Lombok Island,
89. Benoa,
90. Benoa,
91. navigation,
92. navigation,
93. Singapore,
94. Port Klang,
95. Penang,
96. Phuket,
97. navigation,
98. navigation,
99. Colombo,
100. navigation,
101. navigation,
102. navigation,
103. navigation,
104. navigation,
105. navigation,
106. navigation,
107. Aqaba,
108. Sharm El Sheik,
109. Safaga,
110. Suez Canal,
111. Suez Canal,
112. Alexandria,
113. navigation,
114. navigation,
115. Messina,
116. Naples,
117. Civitavecchia

World Cruises: Italy, France, Spain, Morocco, Cape Verde, Brazil, Argentina, Falkland Islands, Chile, French Polynesia, Cook Islands, New Zealand, Australia, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Jordan, Egypt

Genoa Itinerary World Cruises
from $21,623.68
price per person Taxes included
9 reservations in 48 hours
Basic Price
MSC Magnifica | Jan 5, 2025
Duration: 116 nights
Departure from: Genoa Landing: Genoa
1. Genoa,
2. Marseille,
3. Barcelona,
4. navigation,
5. Malaga,
6. Casablanca,
7. navigation,
8. navigation,
9. navigation,
10. Mindelo,
11. navigation,
12. navigation,
13. navigation,
14. navigation,
15. Salvador,
16. navigation,
17. Rio de Janeiro,
18. Rio de Janeiro,
19. navigation,
20. navigation,
21. Buenos Aires,
22. Buenos Aires,
23. navigation,
24. navigation,
25. Puerto Madryn,
26. navigation,
27. Port Stanley,
28. navigation,
29. navigation,
30. Ushuaia,
31. navigation,
32. navigation,
33. Puerto Chacabuco,
34. Puerto Montt,
35. navigation,
36. Valparaiso,
37. Valparaiso,
38. navigation,
39. navigation,
40. navigation,
41. navigation,
42. Hanga Roa,
43. navigation,
44. navigation,
45. navigation,
46. navigation,
47. navigation,
48. Papeete,
49. Papeete,
50. Moorea,
51. navigation,
52. Aitutaki,
53. Rarotonga,
54. navigation,
55. navigation,
56. navigation,
57. navigation,
58. navigation,
59. Waitangi (Bay Of Islands),
60. Auckland,
61. Tauranga,
62. navigation,
63. Christchurch,
64. Port Chalmers,
65. navigation,
66. navigation,
67. Hobart,
68. navigation,
69. Sydney,
70. Sydney,
71. Eden,
72. navigation,
73. Melbourne,
74. navigation,
75. Adelaide,
76. Kangaroo Island,
77. navigation,
78. navigation,
79. Albany,
80. navigation,
81. Busselton,
82. Perth,
83. Perth,
84. navigation,
85. navigation,
86. navigation,
87. Lombok Island,
88. Benoa,
89. Benoa,
90. navigation,
91. navigation,
92. Singapore,
93. Port Klang,
94. Penang,
95. Phuket,
96. navigation,
97. navigation,
98. Colombo,
99. navigation,
100. navigation,
101. navigation,
102. navigation,
103. navigation,
104. navigation,
105. navigation,
106. Aqaba,
107. Sharm El Sheik,
108. Safaga,
109. Suez Canal,
110. Suez Canal,
111. Alexandria,
112. navigation,
113. navigation,
114. Messina,
115. Naples,
116. Civitavecchia,
117. Genoa

World Cruises: France, Spain, Morocco, Cape Verde, Brazil, Argentina, Falkland Islands, Chile, French Polynesia, Cook Islands, New Zealand, Australia, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Jordan, Egypt, Italy

Marseille Itinerary World Cruises
from $23,147.84
price per person Taxes included
7 reservations in 36 hours
Basic Price
MSC Magnifica | Jan 6, 2025
Duration: 116 nights
Departure from: Marseille Landing: Marseille
1. Marseille,
2. Barcelona,
3. navigation,
4. Malaga,
5. Casablanca,
6. navigation,
7. navigation,
8. navigation,
9. Mindelo,
10. navigation,
11. navigation,
12. navigation,
13. navigation,
14. Salvador,
15. navigation,
16. Rio de Janeiro,
17. Rio de Janeiro,
18. navigation,
19. navigation,
20. Buenos Aires,
21. Buenos Aires,
22. navigation,
23. navigation,
24. Puerto Madryn,
25. navigation,
26. Port Stanley,
27. navigation,
28. navigation,
29. Ushuaia,
30. navigation,
31. navigation,
32. Puerto Chacabuco,
33. Puerto Montt,
34. navigation,
35. Valparaiso,
36. Valparaiso,
37. navigation,
38. navigation,
39. navigation,
40. navigation,
41. Hanga Roa,
42. navigation,
43. navigation,
44. navigation,
45. navigation,
46. navigation,
47. Papeete,
48. Papeete,
49. Moorea,
50. navigation,
51. Aitutaki,
52. Rarotonga,
53. navigation,
54. navigation,
55. navigation,
56. navigation,
57. navigation,
58. Waitangi (Bay Of Islands),
59. Auckland,
60. Tauranga,
61. navigation,
62. Christchurch,
63. Port Chalmers,
64. navigation,
65. navigation,
66. Hobart,
67. navigation,
68. Sydney,
69. Sydney,
70. Eden,
71. navigation,
72. Melbourne,
73. navigation,
74. Adelaide,
75. Kangaroo Island,
76. navigation,
77. navigation,
78. Albany,
79. navigation,
80. Busselton,
81. Perth,
82. Perth,
83. navigation,
84. navigation,
85. navigation,
86. Lombok Island,
87. Benoa,
88. Benoa,
89. navigation,
90. navigation,
91. Singapore,
92. Port Klang,
93. Penang,
94. Phuket,
95. navigation,
96. navigation,
97. Colombo,
98. navigation,
99. navigation,
100. navigation,
101. navigation,
102. navigation,
103. navigation,
104. navigation,
105. Aqaba,
106. Sharm El Sheik,
107. Safaga,
108. Suez Canal,
109. Suez Canal,
110. Alexandria,
111. navigation,
112. navigation,
113. Messina,
114. Naples,
115. Civitavecchia,
116. Genoa,
117. Marseille

World Cruises: Spain, Morocco, Cape Verde, Brazil, Argentina, Falkland Islands, Chile, French Polynesia, Cook Islands, New Zealand, Australia, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Jordan, Egypt, Italy, France

Barcelona Itinerary World Cruises
from $21,623.68
price per person Taxes included
10 reservations in 36 hours
Basic Price
MSC Magnifica | Jan 7, 2025
Duration: 116 nights
Departure from: Barcelona Landing: Barcelona
1. Barcelona,
2. navigation,
3. Malaga,
4. Casablanca,
5. navigation,
6. navigation,
7. navigation,
8. Mindelo,
9. navigation,
10. navigation,
11. navigation,
12. navigation,
13. Salvador,
14. navigation,
15. Rio de Janeiro,
16. Rio de Janeiro,
17. navigation,
18. navigation,
19. Buenos Aires,
20. Buenos Aires,
21. navigation,
22. navigation,
23. Puerto Madryn,
24. navigation,
25. Port Stanley,
26. navigation,
27. navigation,
28. Ushuaia,
29. navigation,
30. navigation,
31. Puerto Chacabuco,
32. Puerto Montt,
33. navigation,
34. Valparaiso,
35. Valparaiso,
36. navigation,
37. navigation,
38. navigation,
39. navigation,
40. Hanga Roa,
41. navigation,
42. navigation,
43. navigation,
44. navigation,
45. navigation,
46. Papeete,
47. Papeete,
48. Moorea,
49. navigation,
50. Aitutaki,
51. Rarotonga,
52. navigation,
53. navigation,
54. navigation,
55. navigation,
56. navigation,
57. Waitangi (Bay Of Islands),
58. Auckland,
59. Tauranga,
60. navigation,
61. Christchurch,
62. Port Chalmers,
63. navigation,
64. navigation,
65. Hobart,
66. navigation,
67. Sydney,
68. Sydney,
69. Eden,
70. navigation,
71. Melbourne,
72. navigation,
73. Adelaide,
74. Kangaroo Island,
75. navigation,
76. navigation,
77. Albany,
78. navigation,
79. Busselton,
80. Perth,
81. Perth,
82. navigation,
83. navigation,
84. navigation,
85. Lombok Island,
86. Benoa,
87. Benoa,
88. navigation,
89. navigation,
90. Singapore,
91. Port Klang,
92. Penang,
93. Phuket,
94. navigation,
95. navigation,
96. Colombo,
97. navigation,
98. navigation,
99. navigation,
100. navigation,
101. navigation,
102. navigation,
103. navigation,
104. Aqaba,
105. Sharm El Sheik,
106. Safaga,
107. Suez Canal,
108. Suez Canal,
109. Alexandria,
110. navigation,
111. navigation,
112. Messina,
113. Naples,
114. Civitavecchia,
115. Genoa,
116. Marseille,
117. Barcelona

World Cruises: Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Barbados, Grenada, Netherlands Antilles, Costa Rica, Panama, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Mexico, United States, Hawaii, Samoa, Fiji, New Zealand, Australia, Philippines, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, China, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Jordan, Egypt, Greece

Civitavecchia Itinerary World Cruises
from $21,878.47
price per person Taxes included
7 reservations in 36 hours
Basic Price
MSC Magnifica | Jan 4, 2026
Duration: 118 nights
Departure from: Civitavecchia Landing: Civitavecchia
1. Civitavecchia,
2. Genoa,
3. Marseille,
4. Barcelona,
5. navigation,
6. navigation,
7. Funchal,
8. navigation,
9. navigation,
10. navigation,
11. navigation,
12. navigation,
13. Bridgetown,
14. Saint George,
15. Kralendijk,
16. Willemstad,
17. navigation,
18. Cartagena ,
19. navigation,
20. Limón,
22. Panama Canal,
23. navigation,
24. Puntarenas,
25. Corinto,
26. Puerto Quetzal,
27. navigation,
28. navigation,
29. Puerto Vallarta,
30. Cabo San Lucas,
31. navigation,
32. San Diego,
33. navigation,
34. San Francisco,
35. San Francisco,
36. navigation,
37. navigation,
38. navigation,
39. navigation,
40. Honolulu,
41. Honolulu,
42. navigation,
43. navigation,
44. navigation,
45. navigation,
46. navigation,
47. navigation,
48. Apia,
49. navigation,
50. Suva,
51. navigation,
52. navigation,
53. Auckland,
54. Auckland,
55. navigation,
56. Wellington,
57. navigation,
58. navigation,
59. navigation,
60. Sydney,
61. Sydney,
62. navigation,
63. navigation,
64. navigation,
65. Townsville,
66. Cairns,
67. navigation,
68. navigation,
69. navigation,
70. navigation,
71. navigation,
72. Manila,
73. Manila,
74. navigation,
75. Keelung,
76. Ishigaki,
77. Naha,
78. navigation,
79. navigation,
80. Tokyo,
81. Tokyo,
82. navigation,
83. Nagasaki,
84. Busan,
85. navigation,
86. Shanghai,
87. navigation,
88. navigation,
89. Hong Kong,
90. Shenzhen,
91. navigation,
92. Da Nang,
93. Nha Trang,
94. navigation,
95. Singapore,
96. Port Klang,
97. Penang,
98. navigation,
99. navigation,
100. Colombo,
101. navigation,
102. navigation,
103. navigation,
104. navigation,
105. Dubai,
106. Dubai,
107. Khasab,
108. Muscat,
109. navigation,
110. navigation,
111. navigation,
112. navigation,
113. navigation,
114. Aqaba,
115. Suez Canal,
116. Suez Canal,
117. navigation,
118. Heraklion,
119. navigation,
120. Civitavecchia

World Cruises: Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Barbados, Grenada, Netherlands Antilles, Costa Rica, Panama, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Mexico, United States, Hawaii, Samoa, Fiji, New Zealand, Australia, Philippines, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, China, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Jordan, Egypt, Greece

Genoa Itinerary World Cruises
from $21,878.47
price per person Taxes included
9 reservations in 48 hours
Basic Price
MSC Magnifica | Jan 5, 2026
Duration: 118 nights
Departure from: Genoa Landing: Genoa
1. Genoa,
2. Marseille,
3. Barcelona,
4. navigation,
5. navigation,
6. Funchal,
7. navigation,
8. navigation,
9. navigation,
10. navigation,
11. navigation,
12. Bridgetown,
13. Saint George,
14. Kralendijk,
15. Willemstad,
16. navigation,
17. Cartagena ,
18. navigation,
19. Limón,
21. Panama Canal,
22. navigation,
23. Puntarenas,
24. Corinto,
25. Puerto Quetzal,
26. navigation,
27. navigation,
28. Puerto Vallarta,
29. Cabo San Lucas,
30. navigation,
31. San Diego,
32. navigation,
33. San Francisco,
34. San Francisco,
35. navigation,
36. navigation,
37. navigation,
38. navigation,
39. Honolulu,
40. Honolulu,
41. navigation,
42. navigation,
43. navigation,
44. navigation,
45. navigation,
46. navigation,
47. Apia,
48. navigation,
49. Suva,
50. navigation,
51. navigation,
52. Auckland,
53. Auckland,
54. navigation,
55. Wellington,
56. navigation,
57. navigation,
58. navigation,
59. Sydney,
60. Sydney,
61. navigation,
62. navigation,
63. navigation,
64. Townsville,
65. Cairns,
66. navigation,
67. navigation,
68. navigation,
69. navigation,
70. navigation,
71. Manila,
72. Manila,
73. navigation,
74. Keelung,
75. Ishigaki,
76. Naha,
77. navigation,
78. navigation,
79. Tokyo,
80. Tokyo,
81. navigation,
82. Nagasaki,
83. Busan,
84. navigation,
85. Shanghai,
86. navigation,
87. navigation,
88. Hong Kong,
89. Shenzhen,
90. navigation,
91. Da Nang,
92. Nha Trang,
93. navigation,
94. Singapore,
95. Port Klang,
96. Penang,
97. navigation,
98. navigation,
99. Colombo,
100. navigation,
101. navigation,
102. navigation,
103. navigation,
104. Dubai,
105. Dubai,
106. Khasab,
107. Muscat,
108. navigation,
109. navigation,
110. navigation,
111. navigation,
112. navigation,
113. Aqaba,
114. Suez Canal,
115. Suez Canal,
116. navigation,
117. Heraklion,
118. navigation,
119. Civitavecchia,
120. Genoa

World Cruises: France, Spain, Portugal, Barbados, Grenada, Netherlands Antilles, Costa Rica, Panama, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Mexico, United States, Hawaii, Samoa, Fiji, New Zealand, Australia, Philippines, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, China, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Jordan, Egypt, Greece, Italy

Marseille Itinerary World Cruises
from $24,107.83
price per person Taxes included
6 reservations in 36 hours
Basic Price
MSC Magnifica | Jan 6, 2026
Duration: 118 nights
Departure from: Marseille Landing: Marseille
1. Marseille,
2. Barcelona,
3. navigation,
4. navigation,
5. Funchal,
6. navigation,
7. navigation,
8. navigation,
9. navigation,
10. navigation,
11. Bridgetown,
12. Saint George,
13. Kralendijk,
14. Willemstad,
15. navigation,
16. Cartagena ,
17. navigation,
18. Limón,
20. Panama Canal,
21. navigation,
22. Puntarenas,
23. Corinto,
24. Puerto Quetzal,
25. navigation,
26. navigation,
27. Puerto Vallarta,
28. Cabo San Lucas,
29. navigation,
30. San Diego,
31. navigation,
32. San Francisco,
33. San Francisco,
34. navigation,
35. navigation,
36. navigation,
37. navigation,
38. Honolulu,
39. Honolulu,
40. navigation,
41. navigation,
42. navigation,
43. navigation,
44. navigation,
45. navigation,
46. Apia,
47. navigation,
48. Suva,
49. navigation,
50. navigation,
51. Auckland,
52. Auckland,
53. navigation,
54. Wellington,
55. navigation,
56. navigation,
57. navigation,
58. Sydney,
59. Sydney,
60. navigation,
61. navigation,
62. navigation,
63. Townsville,
64. Cairns,
65. navigation,
66. navigation,
67. navigation,
68. navigation,
69. navigation,
70. Manila,
71. Manila,
72. navigation,
73. Keelung,
74. Ishigaki,
75. Naha,
76. navigation,
77. navigation,
78. Tokyo,
79. Tokyo,
80. navigation,
81. Nagasaki,
82. Busan,
83. navigation,
84. Shanghai,
85. navigation,
86. navigation,
87. Hong Kong,
88. Shenzhen,
89. navigation,
90. Da Nang,
91. Nha Trang,
92. navigation,
93. Singapore,
94. Port Klang,
95. Penang,
96. navigation,
97. navigation,
98. Colombo,
99. navigation,
100. navigation,
101. navigation,
102. navigation,
103. Dubai,
104. Dubai,
105. Khasab,
106. Muscat,
107. navigation,
108. navigation,
109. navigation,
110. navigation,
111. navigation,
112. Aqaba,
113. Suez Canal,
114. Suez Canal,
115. navigation,
116. Heraklion,
117. navigation,
118. Civitavecchia,
119. Genoa,
120. Marseille

World Cruises: Spain, Portugal, Barbados, Grenada, Netherlands Antilles, Costa Rica, Panama, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Mexico, United States, Hawaii, Samoa, Fiji, New Zealand, Australia, Philippines, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, China, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Jordan, Egypt, Greece, Italy, France

Barcelona Itinerary World Cruises
from $30,340.95
price per person Taxes included
9 reservations in 36 hours
Basic Price
MSC Magnifica | Jan 7, 2026
Duration: 118 nights
Departure from: Barcelona Landing: Barcelona
1. Barcelona,
2. navigation,
3. navigation,
4. Funchal,
5. navigation,
6. navigation,
7. navigation,
8. navigation,
9. navigation,
10. Bridgetown,
11. Saint George,
12. Kralendijk,
13. Willemstad,
14. navigation,
15. Cartagena ,
16. navigation,
17. Limón,
18. Panama Canal,
20. navigation,
21. Puntarenas,
22. Corinto,
23. Puerto Quetzal,
24. navigation,
25. navigation,
26. Puerto Vallarta,
27. Cabo San Lucas,
28. navigation,
29. San Diego,
30. navigation,
31. San Francisco,
32. San Francisco,
33. navigation,
34. navigation,
35. navigation,
36. navigation,
37. Honolulu,
38. Honolulu,
39. navigation,
40. navigation,
41. navigation,
42. navigation,
43. navigation,
44. navigation,
45. Apia,
46. navigation,
47. Suva,
48. navigation,
49. navigation,
50. Auckland,
51. Auckland,
52. navigation,
53. Wellington,
54. navigation,
55. navigation,
56. navigation,
57. Sydney,
58. Sydney,
59. navigation,
60. navigation,
61. navigation,
62. Townsville,
63. Cairns,
64. navigation,
65. navigation,
66. navigation,
67. navigation,
68. navigation,
69. Manila,
70. Manila,
71. navigation,
72. Keelung,
73. Ishigaki,
74. Naha,
75. navigation,
76. navigation,
77. Tokyo,
78. Tokyo,
79. navigation,
80. Nagasaki,
81. Busan,
82. navigation,
83. Shanghai,
84. navigation,
85. navigation,
86. Hong Kong,
87. Shenzhen,
88. navigation,
89. Da Nang,
90. Nha Trang,
91. navigation,
92. Singapore,
93. Port Klang,
94. Penang,
95. navigation,
96. navigation,
97. Colombo,
98. navigation,
99. navigation,
100. navigation,
101. navigation,
102. Dubai,
103. Dubai,
104. Khasab,
105. Muscat,
106. navigation,
107. navigation,
108. navigation,
109. navigation,
110. navigation,
111. Aqaba,
112. Suez Canal,
113. Suez Canal,
114. navigation,
115. Heraklion,
116. navigation,
117. Civitavecchia,
118. Genoa,
119. Marseille,
120. Barcelona
8 cruises