Departure calendar Montreal

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Cruises from Montreal

28 cruises

North America: Canada, Saint Pierre and Miquelon

Montreal Itinerary North America
from $6,702.38
price per person Taxes included
6 reservations in 36 hours
Seabourn Quest | Sep 12, 2024
Duration: 12 nights
Departure from: Montreal Landing: Montreal
1. Montreal,
2. navigation,
3. Havre-Saint-Pierre,
4. navigation,
5. Anse Aux Meadows,
6. Saint John's,
7. Saint John's,
8. Saint Pierre,
9. cap-aux-meules,
10. navigation,
11. Quebec,
12. Trois-Rivières,
13. Montreal

North America: Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, United States

Montreal Itinerary North America
from $11,474.38
price per person Taxes included
9 reservations in 48 hours
Seven Seas Grandeur | Sep 20, 2024
Duration: 11 nights
Departure from: Montreal Landing: Boston
1. Montreal,
2. Montreal,
3. Quebec City,
4. Saguenay,
5. Sept Iles,
6. Havre-Saint-Pierre,
7. Corner Brook,
8. Sydney,
9. Halifax,
10. Saint John's,
11. Portland (GB),
12. Boston
sold out

Canada, United States

Montreal Itinerary North America
from $6,361.53
price per person Taxes included
Seabourn Quest | Sep 24, 2024
Duration: 12 nights
Departure from: Montreal Landing: New York
1. Montreal,
2. Trois-Rivières,
3. Quebec,
4. navigation,
5. Saguenay,
6. navigation,
7. Charlottetown,
8. navigation,
9. Halifax,
10. Halifax,
11. navigation,
12. Boston,
13. Provincetown,
14. New York

North America: Canada, Australia, Saint Pierre and Miquelon

Montreal Itinerary North America
from $4,975.38
price per person Taxes included
9 reservations in 48 hours
Insignia | Sep 26, 2024
Duration: 10 nights
Departure from: Montreal Landing: Montreal
1. Montreal,
2. Montreal,
3. Trois-Rivières,
4. La Baie,
5. Gaspe,
6. Charlottetown,
7. Sydney,
8. Saint Pierre,
9. navigation,
10. Sept Iles,
11. Quebec City,
12. Montreal

North America: Canada, Australia, United States

Montreal Itinerary North America
from $5,384.40
price per person Taxes included
9 reservations in 48 hours
Nautica | Oct 6, 2024
Duration: 11 nights
Departure from: Montreal Landing: Boston
1. Montreal,
2. Quebec City,
3. Saguenay,
4. La Baie,
5. Sept Iles,
6. Havre-Saint-Pierre,
7. Corner Brook,
8. Sydney,
9. Halifax,
10. Saint John's,
11. Boston,
12. Boston

North America: Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, United States

Montreal Itinerary North America
from $5,384.40
price per person Taxes included
9 reservations in 48 hours
Insignia | Oct 6, 2024
Duration: 11 nights
Departure from: Montreal Landing: New York
1. Montreal,
2. Quebec City,
3. Saguenay,
4. navigation,
5. Corner Brook,
6. Sydney,
7. Halifax,
8. Saint John's,
9. Portland (GB),
10. Boston,
11. navigation,
12. Newport,
13. New York

North America: Canada, Australia, United States

Montreal Itinerary North America
from $11,053.99
price per person Taxes included
8 reservations in 48 hours
Seven Seas Grandeur | Oct 12, 2024
Duration: 11 nights
Departure from: Montreal Landing: New York
1. Montreal,
2. Montreal,
3. Quebec City,
4. Saguenay,
5. navigation,
6. Sydney,
7. Halifax,
8. Saint John's,
9. Saint John's,
10. Boston,
11. Newport,
12. New York
sold out

Canada, United States, British Virgin Islands, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Puerto Rico, Bahamas

Montreal Itinerary North America
from $12,952.57
price per person Taxes included
Seabourn Quest | Oct 18, 2024
Duration: 22 nights
Departure from: Montreal Landing: Miami
1. Montreal,
2. Quebec,
3. navigation,
4. Saguenay,
5. La Baie,
6. navigation,
7. navigation,
8. Halifax,
9. Shelburne,
10. navigation,
11. New York,
12. New York,
13. navigation,
14. Charleston,
15. navigation,
16. Miami,
17. navigation,
18. navigation,
19. Frenchman's Cay,
20. Basseterre,
21. San Juan,
22. navigation,
23. Half Moon Cay,
24. Miami
sold out

Canada, United States

Montreal Itinerary North America
from $8,952.04
price per person Taxes included
Seabourn Quest | Oct 18, 2024
Duration: 14 nights
Departure from: Montreal Landing: Miami
1. Montreal,
2. Quebec,
3. navigation,
4. Saguenay,
5. La Baie,
6. navigation,
7. Charlottetown,
8. navigation,
9. Halifax,
10. navigation,
11. New York,
12. New York,
13. navigation,
14. Charleston,
15. navigation,
16. Miami

North America: Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, United States, Bermuda, Saint Barthelemy, Dominica, Saint Lucia, Barbados, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Grenada, Netherlands Antilles, Aruba

Montreal Itinerary North America
from $8,009.00
price per person Taxes included
10 reservations in 36 hours
Insignia | Oct 28, 2024
Duration: 25 nights
Departure from: Montreal Landing: Oranjestad
1. Montreal,
2. Quebec City,
3. Saguenay,
4. navigation,
5. Corner Brook,
6. Sydney,
7. Halifax,
8. Saint John's,
9. Portland (GB),
10. Boston,
11. navigation,
12. Newport,
13. New York,
14. navigation,
15. Hamilton,
16. Hamilton,
17. St. George's Island,
18. navigation,
19. navigation,
20. Gustavia,
21. Roseau,
22. Castries,
23. Bridgetown,
24. Kingstown,
25. Saint George,
26. Kralendijk,
27. Willemstad,
28. Oranjestad

Caribbean: Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, United States, Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Lucia, Grenada, Trinidad and Tobago, Brazil, Barbados, Dominica, Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Bahamas

Montreal Itinerary Caribbean
from $11,690.26
price per person Taxes included
10 reservations in 36 hours
Nautica | Oct 28, 2024
Duration: 36 nights
Departure from: Montreal Landing: Miami
1. Montreal,
2. Quebec City,
3. Saguenay,
4. navigation,
5. Sydney,
6. Halifax,
7. Portland (GB),
8. Boston,
9. navigation,
10. New York,
11. navigation,
12. Charleston,
13. navigation,
14. Miami,
15. navigation,
16. navigation,
17. Saint Johns,
18. Castries,
19. Saint George,
20. Port Of Spain,
21. navigation,
22. navigation,
23. Macapa,
24. Santarem,
25. Boca Da Valeria,
26. Manaus,
27. Parintins,
28. Alter Do Chao,
29. Macapa,
30. navigation,
31. navigation,
32. Bridgetown,
33. Roseau,
34. Jost Van Dyke,
35. San Juan,
36. navigation,
37. Stirrup Cay,
38. Miami

North America: Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, United States

Montreal Itinerary North America
from $4,350.47
price per person Taxes included
10 reservations in 36 hours
Nautica | Oct 28, 2024
Duration: 12 nights
Departure from: Montreal Landing: Miami
1. Montreal,
2. Quebec City,
3. Saguenay,
4. navigation,
5. Sydney,
6. Halifax,
7. Portland (GB),
8. Boston,
9. navigation,
10. New York,
11. navigation,
12. Charleston,
13. navigation,
14. Miami

North America: Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, United States

Montreal Itinerary North America
from $4,373.20
price per person Taxes included
10 reservations in 36 hours
Insignia | Oct 28, 2024
Duration: 11 nights
Departure from: Montreal Landing: New York
1. Montreal,
2. Quebec City,
3. Saguenay,
4. navigation,
5. Corner Brook,
6. Sydney,
7. Halifax,
8. Saint John's,
9. Portland (GB),
10. Boston,
11. navigation,
12. Newport,
13. New York

Northern Europe: Canada, Denmark, Greenland, Iceland, Faroe Islands, United Kingdom, Ireland, France

Montreal Itinerary Northern Europe
from $11,053.99
price per person Taxes included
14 reservations in 48 hours
Marina | Jul 27, 2025
Duration: 28 nights
Departure from: Montreal Landing: Southampton
1. Montreal,
2. Quebec City,
3. Saguenay,
4. La Baie,
5. navigation,
6. Charlottetown,
7. Corner Brook,
8. navigation,
9. navigation,
10. Paamiut,
11. Narsarsuaq,
12. Nanortalik,
13. navigation,
14. navigation,
15. Isafjordur,
16. Grundarfjordur,
17. Reykjavik,
18. Heimaey,
19. Eskifjörður,
20. Torshavn,
21. Kirkwall,
22. navigation,
23. Belfast,
24. Dún Laoghaire,
25. Holyhead,
26. Cork,
27. Portland (GB),
28. St Malo,
29. Southampton

North America: Canada, United States

Montreal Itinerary North America
from $9,515.59
price per person Taxes included
10 reservations in 48 hours
Seabourn Sojourn | Sep 2, 2025
Duration: 12 nights
Departure from: Montreal Landing: New York
1. Montreal,
2. Quebec,
3. Quebec,
4. navigation,
5. Saguenay,
6. La Baie,
7. navigation,
8. Charlottetown,
9. navigation,
10. Halifax,
11. navigation,
12. Boston,
13. Newport,
14. New York

North America: Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, United States

Montreal Itinerary North America
from $11,894.77
price per person Taxes included
8 reservations in 36 hours
Seven Seas Splendor | Sep 8, 2025
Duration: 11 nights
Departure from: Montreal Landing: New York
1. Montreal,
2. Montreal,
3. Quebec City,
4. Saguenay,
5. navigation,
6. Sydney,
7. Halifax,
8. Saint John's,
9. Portland (GB),
10. Boston,
11. navigation,
12. New York

North America: Canada, United States

Montreal Itinerary North America
from $9,316.76
price per person Taxes included
14 reservations in 48 hours
Silver Shadow | Sep 13, 2025
Duration: 11 nights
Departure from: Montreal Landing: New York
1. Montreal,
2. Quebec City,
3. Saguenay,
5. Charlottetown,
6. Magdalen Islands,
8. Halifax,
10. Boston,
11. Newport,
12. New York

North America: Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, United States

Montreal Itinerary North America
from $4,770.86
price per person Taxes included
10 reservations in 36 hours
Insignia | Sep 24, 2025
Duration: 11 nights
Departure from: Montreal Landing: Boston
1. Montreal,
2. Montreal,
3. Saguenay,
4. La Baie,
5. Sept Iles,
6. Havre-Saint-Pierre,
7. Corner Brook,
8. Sydney,
9. Halifax,
10. Saint John's,
11. Portland (GB),
12. Boston

North America: Canada, Saint Pierre and Miquelon

Montreal Itinerary North America
from $10,566.57
price per person Taxes included
10 reservations in 36 hours
Seabourn Sojourn | Sep 26, 2025
Duration: 12 nights
Departure from: Montreal Landing: Montreal
1. Montreal,
2. navigation,
3. Havre-Saint-Pierre,
4. navigation,
5. Anse Aux Meadows,
6. Saint John's,
7. Saint John's,
8. Saint Pierre,
9. cap-aux-meules,
10. navigation,
11. Quebec,
12. Trois-Rivières,
13. Montreal

North America: Canada, United States

Montreal Itinerary North America
from $12,315.16
price per person Taxes included
8 reservations in 36 hours
Seven Seas Splendor | Sep 30, 2025
Duration: 11 nights
Departure from: Montreal Landing: Boston
1. Montreal,
2. Montreal,
3. Quebec City,
4. Saguenay,
5. Sept Iles,
6. Havre-Saint-Pierre,
7. Corner Brook,
8. navigation,
9. Halifax,
10. Saint John's,
11. Bar Harbor,
12. Boston

North America: Canada, United States

Montreal Itinerary North America
from $7,385.24
price per person Taxes included
14 reservations in 36 hours
Silver Shadow | Oct 5, 2025
Duration: 11 nights
Departure from: Montreal Landing: New York
1. Montreal,
3. Saguenay,
5. Charlottetown,
7. Halifax,
9. Portland,
10. Boston,
11. Newport,
12. New York

North America: Canada, United Kingdom, United States

Montreal Itinerary North America
from $10,339.33
price per person Taxes included
10 reservations in 48 hours
Seabourn Sojourn | Oct 8, 2025
Duration: 12 nights
Departure from: Montreal Landing: New York
1. Montreal,
2. Quebec,
3. Quebec,
4. navigation,
5. Saguenay,
6. La Baie,
7. navigation,
8. Charlottetown,
9. navigation,
10. Halifax,
11. navigation,
12. Portland (GB),
13. Newport,
14. New York

North America: Canada, Australia, United States

Montreal Itinerary North America
from $4,339.11
price per person Taxes included
11 reservations in 48 hours
Insignia | Oct 16, 2025
Duration: 11 nights
Departure from: Montreal Landing: Boston
1. Montreal,
2. Quebec City,
3. Saguenay,
4. La Baie,
5. Sept Iles,
6. Havre-Saint-Pierre,
7. Corner Brook,
8. Sydney,
9. Halifax,
10. Saint John's,
11. Bar Harbor,
12. Boston

North America: Canada, Australia, United States

Montreal Itinerary North America
from $11,894.77
price per person Taxes included
8 reservations in 48 hours
Seven Seas Splendor | Oct 22, 2025
Duration: 11 nights
Departure from: Montreal Landing: New York
1. Montreal,
2. Montreal,
3. Quebec City,
4. Saguenay,
5. navigation,
6. Sydney,
7. Halifax,
8. Saint John's,
9. Bar Harbor,
10. navigation,
11. Newport,
12. New York

North America: Canada, United States

Montreal Itinerary North America
from $6,476.28
price per person Taxes included
14 reservations in 48 hours
Silver Shadow | Oct 27, 2025
Duration: 11 nights
Departure from: Montreal Landing: New York
1. Montreal,
2. Quebec City,
3. Saguenay,
5. Charlottetown,
7. Halifax,
9. Portland,
10. Boston,
11. Newport,
12. New York
sold out

Canada, United States

Montreal Itinerary North America
from $7,044.38
price per person Taxes included
Seabourn Sojourn | Nov 1, 2025
Duration: 12 nights
Departure from: Montreal Landing: Miami
1. Montreal,
2. Quebec,
3. navigation,
4. Saguenay,
5. navigation,
6. navigation,
7. Halifax,
8. Shelburne,
9. navigation,
10. New York,
11. New York,
12. navigation,
13. navigation,
14. Miami

North America: Canada, Australia, United States

Montreal Itinerary North America
from $12,735.55
price per person Taxes included
11 reservations in 36 hours
Seven Seas Splendor | Sep 17, 2026
Duration: 11 nights
Departure from: Montreal Landing: Boston
1. Montreal,
2. Quebec City,
3. Saguenay,
4. Sept Iles,
5. Havre-Saint-Pierre,
6. navigation,
7. Charlottetown,
8. Sydney,
9. Halifax,
10. Saint John's,
11. Bar Harbor,
12. Boston

North America: Canada, Australia, United States

Montreal Itinerary North America
from $12,735.55
price per person Taxes included
12 reservations in 48 hours
Seven Seas Splendor | Oct 9, 2026
Duration: 11 nights
Departure from: Montreal Landing: New York
1. Montreal,
2. Quebec City,
3. Saguenay,
4. La Baie,
5. Gaspesie,
6. navigation,
7. Sydney,
8. Halifax,
9. Saint John's,
10. Bar Harbor,
11. navigation,
12. New York
28 cruises

Explore Montreal: A Cultural Haven in Canada

Montreal, situated in Quebec, Canada, is a city steeped in history and renowned for its vibrant arts scene, diverse culture, and culinary delights. Founded in 1642, Montreal has evolved into a cosmopolitan metropolis that seamlessly blends old-world charm with modern sophistication, offering visitors a unique and enriching travel experience.

Diverse Climate of Montreal

Montreal experiences four distinct seasons, with warm summers and cold winters. Summer months are perfect for exploring outdoor festivals like the International Jazz Festival or enjoying picnics in Mount Royal Park. Winter brings opportunities for ice skating at the Old Port or exploring the underground city network. Spring and fall offer mild weather ideal for sightseeing and cultural events.

Top Attractions and Places to Visit in Montreal

Discover Montreal's top attractions, including the historic Old Montreal with its cobblestone streets and Notre-Dame Basilica, Mount Royal for panoramic city views and outdoor activities, and the vibrant Plateau Mont-Royal neighborhood known for its artsy vibe and eclectic shops. Explore the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, stroll through the Botanical Garden, or sample local produce at Jean-Talon Market.

Local Cuisine: Flavors of Quebec

Indulge in Montreal's culinary scene with iconic dishes like poutine (fries topped with cheese curds and gravy), smoked meat sandwiches from Schwartz's Deli, bagels from St-Viateur Bagel, and maple syrup treats. Experience French-inspired cuisine at renowned restaurants, savor artisanal cheeses from local producers, and enjoy a diverse range of international flavors in the city's diverse neighborhoods.

Embark on an Unforgettable Cruise from Montreal

Enhance your Montreal visit by booking a cruise departing from this historic city. Choose from cruise options exploring the St. Lawrence River, visiting charming ports along the Eastern Seaboard, or venturing to destinations like Quebec City or the Maritimes. A cruise from Montreal promises scenic views of the riverfront, cultural experiences in coastal towns, and memorable journeys along Canada's picturesque waterways.

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